Searching for a Member
On the Find Member page we have a couple of options. On the left is a general search facility, and on the right is a quick list search depending on criteria – in this example, all overdue members.
The ‘Last Name’ field is a ‘begins with’ search. So in this example we’re going to look for members whos last name starts with ‘HA’. On the right is a clickable list of members who are overdue – the column names are clickable too so that you can sort the list on, for example, ‘expiry date’.
Let’s search for the member who’s name begins with ‘HA’ ……..
The database is searched, the screen clears and we now have a display of ‘membership cards’ so that we can select the right one …..
A list of ‘membership cards’ for all members that satisfy the search criteria. It is quick and easy to scan the list and find the member we’re looking for. If all you want to do is send an email – the address is clickable.
Let’s take a closer look at Member 1700, Deane Haag and move on to the Membership Record >>>>
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