Membership Record

A comprehensive membership record with all information at your fingertips. Each area of the form is individually editable.

Let’s quickly run through each of these areas:

  • Heading

    The member’s name, membership type and their membership number

  • Menu Buttons

    The set of actions that can be done to this member.
    For example to renew their membership or allocate them to a club duty (usually committee positions or regional organiser

  • EDIT buttons

    Each individual section of the membership record has their own ‘edit’ button. Members details do not change radically, we might only need to update their address for instance. So there is a smaller, more manageable form for editing

  • Google Map

    The member’s address is linked to Google to find their location and the Google map is shown here. Clicking on the map will open a new window so that you can see in more detail. Or if you’re on your smartphone, open the ‘maps’ app where you can use it as a satnav.

  • HISTORY buttons

    Nothing is deleted from CrossMember. Clicking the ‘history’ button will enable you to see previous records – e.g. previous addresses along with when it was changed and who made the change.

Each of the actions performed on this page use ‘pop-up’ forms to make the user experience simple and straight forward. As an example, let’s edit Deane Haag’s family members >>>>


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